It’s in the stars

Heal Your Wounds, Unlock Your Cosmic Purpose & Start Living Your Best Life.

Launch Your Chiron Journey

Have you invested time and money in therapy, seminars, and personal development courses, yet still feel you are struggling to figure out what your purpose is and why you keep facing the same challenges?

What if there was a simpler way to understand your path?

What if there was a master key written in the stars that points to exactly what you need to heal in order to unlock your cosmic purpose and start living your best life?

There is.

Meet, Chiron.

Imagine Unlocking


Your soul wound

What it is and where it is showing up in your life.


Your cosmic purpose

How your wound is calling you to heal and return to love .


the key to living your best life

How pain is actually the invitation to your power.

Here’s what I know

The location of Chiron in your birth chart is the key to unlocking, and healing, the root cause of your pain points in this life.

After doing hundreds of readings, I can tell you that often the things you think are pain points in your life may not actually be your core wound. You see and treat the symptoms but often don’t know the true underlying wound that is causing the pain. When you only respond to symptoms, you are only treating or responding to life subconsciously. When you know and understand your Chiron location, you can get at the real soul wound, and douse it with compassion, understanding, and an invitation to transform that pain to power. But first, you need to know where and what it is.

Happy Students

  • “My relationship with my weight has always been frustrating. I’ve been on every diet there is and never had long-lasting success. The Chiron Course showed me that my Chiron in the 4th in Cancer was actually pointing to the wound of family and feeling insecure. I’ve always struggled with a challenging father, whose love and attention I’ve craved. As I’ve discovered the wound lies in that relationship, I’ve felt a softening in my need for his approval, but also a deeper compassion and forgiveness for my dad. We had a deep conversation about what his father was like and I learned family truths that had been locked up with him for years. I have realized that he really does love me, and I’ve healed my family and myself. The interesting side-effect has been I’ve enjoyed a healthy relationship with food this year that I haven’t had since childhood.”

    Sarah, Australia

  • “Never even heard of Chiron but curiosity led me to take the course. WOW! So much about my struggle with relationships was illuminated knowing about this wounded healer. I’m still seeking a right relationship, but I understand now what that means and what triggers arrive when my wound is activated. I have so much faith in myself and my ability to find/receive love now.”

    Britt, USA

  • “I have always struggled with money, with budgeting, with overspending. Taking this course and discovering my Chiron helped me realize for the first time that the problem isn’t my money, it’s that I’d felt unseen and unappreciated for so long in my marriage and home as a stay-at-home mother. My Chiron pointed right to the wound of career, of servitude and of insecurity. This discovery helped me have the courage to launch my career in real estate, that has allowed me to earn my own money for the first time after twenty years of raising kids. I feel control of my life, my finances, and my happiness again! It’s a small step but a big leap for me!”

    Avery, USA


The Chiron Course

let’s review the curriculum:


Pre-work module

Start here! This brief intro talks you through exactly how to pull your unique Chiron from your natal chart by house and sign.

(5 mins)


Module one

Astrology is steeped in symbolism. Before you can unlock your chart, take a deep dive to learn about the astronomy and the astrology of Chiron.

(23 mins)


Module Two

Every hero needs a good backstory – and Chiron is no exception. Learn the origin myth of Chiron, the wounded healer.

(31 mins)


Module three

Chiron analysis by sign and house Part I: Aries through Virgo; 1st through 6th.

(36 mins)


Module four

Chiron analysis by sign and house Part II: Libra through Pisces; 7th through 12th.

(24 mins)


chiron worksheet

With your Chiron location in hand, use this fill-in-blanks style companion worksheet to craft your own cosmic mission statement based on your unique Sun sign and Chiron placements.

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We’ve got answers

  • There are five downloadable video modules which includes a lecture-style instruction of slides presentation and instructor presentation (Jill). This allows students to download and progress through the five modules at their own pace, as well as go back and revisit the content as often as desired.

  • The five videos + the downloadable Chiron Companion Worksheet. The total run time of the five modules is approximately 1.5 hours, or 119 minutes.

  • Yes! Approximately 1-2x a year I’ll offer the course live over 4-weeks. The cost for the live class was $299 in 2023. Prices will vary in the future.

  • Due to the instant downloadable format of the course, there are no refunds. We’re sure you aren’t one of them, but some folks in the past have downloaded the course, kept the material, and then asked for a refund simply to get the material for free. It’s dishonest and bad juju. However, if you have any technical challenges, we’re here to help!

    We can get into the website from the admin end and see what you have been able to download, or not, and try to help trouble shoot. We want you to love the course!